Call Center Reporting

For proper call management, reporting on the metrics important to each specific client is essential. Crusecom’s solution provides for sophisticated reporting capabilities to call center clients leveraging Avaya’s CMS and Taske reporting tool. These reporting features can capture and report data down to a granular level.

Our call handling system allows us to track an array of data, some of which include:

  • Client calls handled by CSRs
  • Number of abandoned calls
  • Average speed to abandon
  • Average wait time on hold
  • Answer time
  • And other call attributes

The advanced technology utilized in our call handling solution can be used to track and report on any data, down to the minutest data points.

Leveraging CMS & Taske solutions allows our call center to:

Crusecom Reporting

This solution blends web-based call management and real-time and historical call reporting functionality.  This allows Crusecom to respond immediately to changing call volume and agent availability and control call center operating costs.

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